Web Design and Frontend Dev-related Resources
This page contains my notes taken while studying web design and front-end web development.
My Personal Links:
- My Github:
- My Codepen:
Technologies & Applications:
- Git (Version Control System)
- Github (Free Cloud Source Code Storage and Git-based Version Control System)
- Github Pages (Free Static Site Hosting)
- VS Code (Code Editor)
Getting Setup
Basic Website Folder Structure
├── index.html
├── css/
├── style.css
Blank HTML Document
Example index.html file:
Blank CSS Document
Example style.css file with a CSS Table of Contents:
Base Styles
CSS Global Reset
CSS Global Colors
CSS Global Typography
This is a Heading 1
This is a Heading 2
This is a Heading 3
This is a paragraph. This is bold text. This is italic text. This is an inline text link. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
- This is an Unordered List Item
- This is an Unordered List Item
- This is an Unordered List Item
- This is an Ordered List Item
- This is an Ordered List Item
- This is an Ordered List Item
This is a link.
Common Terms & Definitions:
- Hypertext Markup Language
- Cascading Style Sheets
- JS
- JavaScript
- Command Line Interface
- Graphical User Interface
Helpful CLI Commands:
$ pwd (or simply "cd" on a PC) // returns path to current directory
$ ls (or "dir" on a PC) // returns list of contents inside the current directory
$ cd Desktop // move down one level into a sub directory
$ cd .. // move up one level into the parent directory
$ git clone // copies a remote repo to your local computer